
歡迎來到北京康高特 - 只為給你更好的測試體驗,只為讓我們成為更好的自己! English 中文


Cambridge Sensotec was founded in the year 2000 by Dr Mark Swetnam, Donald Kings and Victor Stekly. Using their vast experience and knowledge the team developed the Rapidox range of bench mounted oxygen analysers. Since then the company has continually developed the Rapidox range greatly to include the analysis of many other gases. This includes the introduction of specialist SF6 gas analysers. A dynamic and flexible company, Cambridge Sensotec prides themselves on the delivery of specialised gas analysis solutions. They have worked with many prestigious academic and research institutes, in addition to many companies who are highly regarded within their industries. Based in the UK, the company has an established worldwide distribution network and manufacture to ISO standards. Please visit the Cambridge Sensotec website for further information on our extensive range of Rapidox gas analysers.

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